Screw detox, eat cake: Gillian versus Nigella

As a lover of baking, baked goods and cheese, and a reluctant sporadic gym-user, I was delighted with this Facebook share today. Now I know the key is in the presentation and one is (supposedly) deserted in the jungle with no luxuries to her name, while the other appears to glammed up for some kind of red carpet do – and clearly the assets bestowed upon them by the divine differ hugely as well – but the juxtaposition is amusing nonetheless. The moral of the story? Screw detox, eat cake. Continue reading Screw detox, eat cake: Gillian versus Nigella

Cheerobics proves cheerleading to be a credible fitness regime

Not that we ever doubted it. But some might have. Cheerobics, the fun alternative to aerobic fitness (with poms), has been around in Richmond and Covent Garden for some time, but for those who remain unconvinced of its true benefits, a handy little interview with its founder (the gorgeous Jess Rossi) has emerged, which I thought worth sharing: Jess hasn’t convinced you? A little more on the programme: Those of us who have cheered always knew it was a tough work-out, and now the sceptics can be initiated. Still don’t believe us? Well how about you put your £8 where … Continue reading Cheerobics proves cheerleading to be a credible fitness regime